Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Mock Object Frameworks and CRC Cards Presentations

Today provided Mock Object Frameworks presentation with live coding session.

Looks like people prefers coding sessions over just presentation, so I shortened the introduction as much as possible.

I covered only the most important parts:

- why we use mock objects (a funny example was given);
- how to transform a system which can't be tested into a system which can be tested with using of mock objects
- types of mock objects: stubs and mocks themselves
- how to implement mock objects/stubs manually and with using of two major frameworks: Moq and Rhino Mocks.

I was thinking of providing one more mock object framework -- Microsoft Fakes -- but failed to do so. Some strange "Not supported" exception were thrown during "test ride" trying to raise an event from mock object. Furthermore, Microsoft Fakes framework distributed among VS 2012 Ultimate edition only, which is not suitable for the most of my listeners.

The next presentation will be about CRC cards. Will try to figure out how to conduct it in the most efficient way :)

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