Sunday, November 25, 2012

Two lectures provided last week

Two lectures provided last week:

- Event-Driven Architecture. It was the hardest one. I tried to explain this advanced topic to people, with  code example (Rhino Service Bus). As the result I may conclude that 2h is not enough for it. Will conduct once more, 4h-long this time.

The following example was used to describe event-driven system, and I am not sure if it was ok. Need to revise whole presentation.

- Introduction to UML. Actually, this was the easiest one. I spent about 5h to prepare it (a dozen of slides and a lecture plan). It was the nice one! :) Hope that it will be estimated with high scores! :)

The plan was simple: need to provide UML in scope which is widely used by developers.

I stressed that UML is useful for developers for communication purposes and provided UML in terms how to describe both static and behavior aspects of any system.

- class diagram
- deployment diagram
- component diagram

- sequence diagram
- interaction diagram

Several examples were provided to establish connection between diagrams and codebase.

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